1 liter induk
3 kg larutan gula merah / Melaka
6 liter air bertapis / RO / tanpa klorin
Masak larutan gula merah / Melaka serta air bertapis / RO / tanpa klorin hingga mendidih. Padamkan api dan sejukkan.
Masukkan induk dan kacau hingga rata dan sebati.
Masukkan ke dalam tong plastik yang telah disterilkan. Tutup rapat-rapat. Rehatkan selama 2 minggu.
Sedia untuk digunakan.
Tempoh hayat sehingga 6 bulan jika disimpan dengan cara yang betul.
Preparation of Active Solution
1 liter base solution
3 kg molasses
6 liter filtered / RO / non-chlorinated water
Heat molasses and filtered / RO / non-chlorinated water until boiling. Remove from heat and let it cool completely.
Add base solution and mix well.
Transfer to sterilized plastic container and capped tightly. Store for 2 weeks.
Active solution is ready to be used.
Shelf life is 6 months if properly stored.